...そのおすすめ AV over IP 製品: • HDMI over IP で延長・切替、ビデオウォールを構築 • MediaCento™ IPX • MediaCento は、ローカルネットワーク内のイーサネットで無数の画面に HDMI 映像を送る、パーフェクトな HDMI over IP 映像配信ソリューション。1 つのソースから 1 つの画面へ音声やビデオを延長(ユニキャスト)、同じコンテンツを複数の画面に配信(マルチキャスト)のほか、複数のソース切替や複数のモニタによるビデオウォールを実...
...in the building can receive video content through connection to the LAN. In addition to AV-over-IP solutions such as the MediaCento IPX, Black Box has a host of ProAV solutions, such as HDMI matrix switches, scalers, and video wall controllers
...controllers, extenders, splitters, converters, and presentation systems. Black Box provides its customers with free, 24/7 pre- and post-sales technical support. The company has been recognised with numerous awards for quality, service, and innovatio...
...encoding (converting) HDMI (HD) audio and video signals into an IP stream that can be transmitted over an IP network. On the other end, a decoder converts the signals back to an uncompressed • HDMI format • . What makes H.264 so versatile is tha...